Todays’ Gun Rights Game Plan!

By the time you’re reading this, PFA has already departed PFA headquarters in Etown and are on our way to the Capitol building in Harrisburg.

Session kicks off at 11:00AM, and that means you and I have plenty of time to fire off more emails and make phone calls to your State Representative urging them to vote YES on SB565, Constitutional Carry.


Once the bill gets to the floor, PFA will be doing live updates on our Facebook page, which you can follow HERE.

We must not let up the pressure, however.

Gun-control groups bankrolled by billionaire Michael Bloomberg are hammering on the Pennsylvania General Assembly right now in person and likely through paid media ads.

Our state reps need to be hearing from gun owners like you because if they are not, I guarantee they will be hearing from the other side!

KEEP FIGHTING, and stay tuned for more…

— Team PFA