How to Block the ATF’s Rule (&FJB)

How to Block the ATF’s Rule (&FJB)

Have you heard the news lately? The rogue, out-of-control ATF is once again being weaponized against America, raging against our gun rights – but that’s no surprise. Since the 1930s, the Federal government has been taking away our gun rights piece by piece with little...
BREAKING: Gun Control Bills Introduced!

BREAKING: Gun Control Bills Introduced!

You wouldn’t believe what I just saw in my email inbox. EIGHT gun control bills were just introduced in the Pennsylvania Senate! See for yourself: Keep in mind, these don’t include the DOZENS of communist filth that are still being circulated for support...
YOUR OFFICIAL PFA Membership Ballot is Here!

YOUR OFFICIAL PFA Membership Ballot is Here!

The elections are behind us. And while gun owners sent a message at the Congressional level in November by flipping the House, things didn’t go our way here in Pennsylvania. Josh Shapiro won the governor’s race and truly believes he has a ‘mandate from the people’ to...
BREAKING: ‘Republicans’ elect Democrat Speaker!

BREAKING: ‘Republicans’ elect Democrat Speaker!

Last night, a DEMOCRAT, Mark Rozzi from Berks County, was elected Speaker in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives – even though Republicans have a 2-vote majority! WHAT?! Click on the video below to find out what this means for our gun rights this year in...
Pennsylvania: Buckle up, Buttercup!

Pennsylvania: Buckle up, Buttercup!

The holidays are over, and for the Pennsylvania Firearms Association, it’s time to get back to business! The legislature convenes TOMORROW for the 2023 session of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, and that means our fight for our firearm freedoms gets back in full...
YOUR OFFICIAL PFA Membership Ballot is Here!

Gun Control Coming in Harrisburg in 2023: Get ready!

Here’s the cold, hard truth: Elections have consequences. The Radical Left in Pennsylvania, driven by their intense hatred of America, came out of their lairs on November 8 and elected a slew of anti-gun and freedom-hating politicians to Harrisburg. As it looks right...